Biographical notes
Davide Gadia received his M.Sc. (2003) and Ph.D. (2007) in Computer Science from the University of Milan. Currently he is Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Milan.His research interests concern mainly Computer Graphics, Video Game programming, Procedural Content Generation for Computer Graphics and Video Games, Game Engine architectures, Virtual Reality, and Digital Imaging. He is involved in the research activities of the PONG (Playlab fOr inNovation in Games) Laboratory.
Research activities
Since 2008, he has been the coordinator of the following research projects:- March 2010-September 2012: PRIN 2008 project 200858XMF8_002 "Perceiving and acting in immersive virtual environments" (coordinator of Research Unit UNIMI), financed by Italian MIUR - Minister of Instruction. University and Research.
- 2009-2010: project "Visualization in Virtual Reality environments of photorealistic scenario based on illuminotecnic data and measures - Urban Environments case study", financed by ENEA (Ente per le Nuove tecnologie, l'Energia e l'Ambiente) Research Center (Italy).
- 2008-2009: project "Visualization in Virtual Reality environments of photorealistic scenario based on illuminotecnic data and measures", financed by ENEA (Ente per le Nuove tecnologie, l'Energia e l'Ambiente) Research Center (Italy).
- June 2003-March 2005: PRIN 2002 Research Project "Computational Simulation of Colors Appearance"
- August 2005-September 2006: FP6 European Research Project "Virtual Reality and Human Factors Applications for Improving Safety (VIRTHUALIS)"
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Editorial and reviewing activities
He is currently Academic Editor of Wiley International Journal of Computer Games Technology.He was Lead Guest Editor for the Special Issue on "Artificial Intelligence in Video Games" of MDPI Applied Sciences journal.
He was Guest Editor for the following Special Issues:
- "Advances in Multimedia for Human-Computer Interaction" of Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications journal
- "Enhancing User Experience in Virtual Reality Environments: Innovative Interaction Design Strategies" of MDPI Applied Sciences journal
- IEEE Transactions on Games
- IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
- ACM Transactions on the Web
- Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications
- Springer The Visual Computer
- Springer Journal Signal Image and Video Processing
- Springer Journal of Real-Time Image Processing
- Elsevier Displays
- Elsevier Signal Processing: Image Communication
- Elsevier Journal of Cultural Heritage
- Elsevier International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
- IS&T Journal of Image Science and Technology
- SPIE Optical Engineering
- SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging
- Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting
- IEEE CoG (International Conference on Games)
- IEEE ICIP (International Conference on Image Processing)
- IEEE ICIIP (International Conference on Image Information Processing)
- IEEE CCNC (International Conference on Consumer Communications and Networking Conference)
- IEEE CGVIS (International Conference on Computer Graphics, Vision and Information Security)
- International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG)
- EUROSIS GAME-ON conference on Simulation and AI in Computer Games
- IS&T CGIV (Colour in Graphics, Imaging and Vision)
- IS&T/SPIE International Electronic Imaging Symposium
- INSTICC VISIGRAPP (International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications)
- Eurographics 2019 Educational Panel
- AIC 2015 conference
- International Workshop on Networked Entertainment Systems (NES2022)
- RMFI (Representation, analysis and recognition of shape and motion FroM Imaging data) Workshops
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Conference activities
Since 2011, he participated as a member to the following committees:- Organizing Committee of the IEEE Conference on Games (CoG) 2024
- Organizing Committee of GHItaly workshop series:
- Organizing Committee of EAI International Conference on Games fOr WELL-being (2016)
- Organizing Committee of the National Conference of Gruppo del Colore - Associazione Italiana Colore (Italian Color Group) (2016)
- Organizing Committee of IS&T CGIV (Colour in Graphics, Imaging and Vision) Conference (2012)
- Program Committee of the IEEE Conference on Games (CoG) (since 2020)
- Program Committee of the EUROSIS GAME-ON conference on Simulation and AI in Computer Games (since 2020)
- Program Committee of the International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG) (since 2022)
- Program Committee of INSTICC GRAPP (Computer Graphics Theory and Applications) International Conference (since 2017)
- Program Committee of AIC (International Colour Association) 14th Congress (2021)
- Program Committee of Stereoscopic Displays and Application Conference (from 2014 to 2020)
- Program Committee of RMFI (Representation, analysis and recognition of shape and motion FroM Imaging data) Workshop (2016, 2017, 2019)
- IS&T Honors and Awards Committee (2015)
- Program Committee of IEEE CGVIS (International Conference on Computer Graphics, Vision and Information Security) (2015)
- Program Committee of AIC (International Colour Association) Midterm Meeting (2015)
- Program Committee of IEEE ICIIP (International Conference on Image Information Processing) Conference (2013)
- Scientific Committee of the National Conference of Gruppo del Colore - Associazione Italiana Colore (Italian Color Group) (since 2011)
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Memberships and roles
Since its founding in 2012 until April 2024, he was member of the Council of Gruppo del Colore - Associazione Italiana Colore (Italian Color Group). He also served as Treasurer (2012-2015) and Vicepresident (2015-2017) of the Association.In 2014, he was the Official Division Member of Italian CIE Division 8: Image Technology.
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Teaching activities
Since a.a. 2012-2013: Real-Time Graphics Programming graduate elective course for the Master Degree in Computer Science at the University of Milan. Lectures topics concern the pipeline for Real-Time Computer Graphics, the implementation of interactive graphics applications, OpenGL and OpenGL Shading Language.Since a.a. 2021-2022: Artificial Intelligence for Video Games graduate elective course for the Master Degree in Computer Science at the University of Milan (together with Prof. Dario Maggiorini). Lectures topics concern the analysis and implementation in a game engine of artificial intelligence techniques applied to video games development.
Since a.a. 2023-2024: Data, web and digital content (Dati, web e contenuti digitali) undergraduate required course for the Degree in Language Mediation and Intercultural Communication for Business, Law and Community Services (Mediazione linguistica e culturale applicata all'ambito economico, giuridico e sociale) at the University of Milan.
In a.a. 2019-2020 and a.a. 2020-2021: Strumenti di Modellazione dello Spazio module for Strumenti e Metodi del Progetto 2 undergraduate required course for the Design School of Politecnico di Milano.
In a.a. 2014-2015, a.a. 2015-2016 and a.a. 2016-2017: Computer Graphics and Digital Imaging undergraduate required course at the University of Milan.
In a.a. 2010-2011, a.a. 2011-2012 and a.a. 2012-2013: Immersive and Interactive Virtual Environments graduate elective course at the University of Milan. Lectures topics concerned Virtual Reality principles, stereoscopic visualization, 3D interaction technologies and techniques.
In a.a. 2008-2009 and a.a. 2009-2010: Graphics Module for the Multimedia Laboratory 1 undergraduate required course at the University of Milan. Lectures topics concerned image processing, color management, procedural modeling and animation techniques.
In a.a. 2006-2007 and a.a. 2007-2008: 2D and 3D Graphics modules for the Multimedia Laboratory 1 undergraduate required course at the University of Milan.
From May 2003 to December 2005: more than 115 hours of lectures on C programming with OpenGL API and shader development with RenderMan Shading Language for the Computer Graphics Lab (undergraduate required) and Computer Graphics Programming (graduate elective) courses at University of Milan.
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Keynote and Invited talks
"An(other) overview of Procedural Content Generation Techniques applied to Game Design and Development", Keynote, EUROSIS GAME-ON conference on Simulation and AI in Computer Games 2021, Aveiro, Portugal, September 2021.
"Procedural Content Generation Techniques applied to Game Design and Development", Keynote, EUROSIS GAME-ON conference on Simulation and AI in Computer Games 2020, Aveiro, Portugal, September 2020.
"Applications of Computer Graphics, Imaging and Virtual Reality for Cultural Heritage", Invited talk, RFMI'15 Workshop (Shape and motion representation from images - Représentation de Formes et de Mouvements à partir des données Images), Hammamet, Tunisia, November 10th-13th, 2015.
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Papers on international journals
V. Lombardo, D. Gadia, D. Maggiorini, "Massive Crowd Simulation with Parallel Computing on GPU ", IEEE Access 12, pp. 173279-173303, 2024.
I. Lotfimahyari, L. De Giovanni, D. Gadia, P. Giaccone, D. Maggiorini, C. E. Palazzi, "MAP-MIND: An Offline Algorithm for Optimizing Game Engine Module Placement in Cloud Gaming ", IEEE Access 12, pp. 44905-44921, 2024.
D. Gadia, V. Lombardo, D. Maggiorini, A. Natilla, "Implementing Many-Lights Rendering with IES-Based Lights ", MDPI Applied Sciences (Special Issue on "Recent Challenges in Computer Graphics") 14(3), 1022, 2024.
G. Boccignone, D. Gadia, D. Maggiorini, L. A. Ripamonti, V. Tosto, "Wuthering Heights: Gauging Fear at Altitude in Virtual Reality", Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications 82, pp. 5207-5228, 2023.
L. De Giovanni, D. Gadia, P. Giaccone, D. Maggiorini, C. E. Palazzi, L. A. Ripamonti, G. Sviridov, "Revamping Cloud Gaming with Distributed Engines", IEEE Internet Computing 26(6), pp. 88-95, 2022.
L. A. Ripamonti, F. Distefano, M. Trubian, D. Maggiorini, D. Gadia, "DRAGON: diversity regulated adaptive generator online", Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications 80, pp. 34933-34969, 2021 - Springer Nature SharedIt link.
A. Bernardi, D. Gadia, D. Maggiorini, C. E. Palazzi, L. A. Ripamonti, "Procedural Generation of Materials for Real-Time Rendering", Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications 80, pp. 12969-12990, 2021 - Springer Nature SharedIt link.
M. Granato, D. Gadia, L. A. Ripamonti, D. Maggiorini, "An Empirical Study of Players' Emotions in VR Racing Games Based on a Dataset of Physiological Data", Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications 79, pp. 33657-33686, 2020 - Springer Nature SharedIt link.
L. A. Ripamonti, M. Granato, M. Trubian, A. Knutas, D. Gadia, D. Maggiorini, "Multi-Agent Simulations for the Evaluation of Looting Systems Design in MMOG and MOBA Games", Elsevier Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 83, pp. 124-148, 2018.
D. Gadia, M. Granato, D. Maggiorini, L. A. Ripamonti, C. Vismara, "Consumer-oriented Head Mounted Displays: analysis and evaluation of stereoscopic characteristics and user preferences", Springer Mobile Networks and Applications 23(1), pp. 136-146, 2018 - Springer Nature SharedIt link.
L. A. Ripamonti, M. Mannalà, D. Gadia, D. Maggiorini, "Procedural Content Generation for Platformers: designing and testing FUN PLEdGE", Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications 76(4), pp. 5001-5050, 2017.
B. R. Barricelli, D. Gadia, A. Rizzi, D. Marini, "Semiotics of Virtual Reality as a Communication Process", Taylor & Francis Behaviour & Information Technology 35(11), pp. 879-896, 2016.
D. Gadia, C. Bonanomi, M. Marzullo, A. Rizzi, "Perceptual enhancement of degraded Etruscan wall paintings", Elsevier Journal of Cultural Heritage 21, pp. 904-909, 2016.
A. Rizzi, A. J. Berolo, C. Bonanomi, D. Gadia, "Unsupervised Digital Movie Restoration with Spatial Models of Color", Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications 75(7), pp. 3747-3765, 2016.
M. Gargano, D. Bertani, M. Greco, J. Cupitt, D. Gadia, A. Rizzi, "A Perceptual Approach to the Fusion of Visible and NIR Images in the Examination of Ancient Documents", Elsevier Journal of Cultural Heritage 16(4), pp. 518-525, 2015.
D. Gadia, G. Garipoli, C. Bonanomi, L. Albani, A. Rizzi, "Assessing Stereo Blindness and Stereo Acuity on Digital Displays", Elsevier Displays 35(4), pp. 206-212, 2014.
A. Rizzi, C. Bonanomi, D. Gadia, "An extended image database for color constancy", Journal of the International Colour Association 13, pp. 2-13, 2014.
D. Marini, R. Folgieri, D. Gadia, A. Rizzi, "Virtual Reality as a communication process", Springer Virtual Reality, 16(3), pp. 233-241, 2012.
E. Provenzi, M. Fierro, A. Rizzi, L. De Carli, D. Gadia, D. Marini, "Random Spray Retinex: a new Retinex implementation to investigate the local properties of the model", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 16(1), pp. 162-171, 2007.
A. Rizzi, D. Gadia, D. Marini, "Analysis of tristimulus interdifference and contextual color correction", SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging, 15(4), 041202, 2006.
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Book chapters
D. Maggiorini, M. Granato, L. A. Ripamonti, M. Marras, D. Gadia, "Evolution of Game Controllers: Toward the Support of Gamers with Physical Disabilities", Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science (CHIRA 2017: Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications) 654, pp 66-89, 2019.
G. Simone, D. Gadia, I. Farup, A. Rizzi, "Ant Colony for Locality Foraging in Image Enhancement", Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence (Multi-objective Swarm Intelligence) 592, pp. 123-142, 2015.
D. Marini, D. Gadia, "Technologies for virtual reality and scientific visualization", in "Electron and Ion Microscopy and Micromanipulation: common principles and advanced methods in applied sciences", Società Editrice Esculapio, pp. 251-262, 2010.
L. Lumer, L. De Carli, D. Gadia, D. Marini, "Revealing Colours", in "Computing and Philosophy", AIA Publ., 2006.
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Papers on international conference proceedings
F. Garavaglia, R. Avellar Nobre, L. A. Ripamonti, D. Maggiorini, D. Gadia, "Moody5: Personality-biased agents to enhance interactive storytelling in video games", Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Games (CoG 2022), pp. 175-182, Beijing, China, August 21-24, 2022
G. Parolini, D. Maggiorini, D. Gadia, L. A. Ripamonti, "Distributed Rendering for Video Games via Object Streaming", Proceedings of IEEE 42nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW 2022), presented at International Workshop on Networked Entertainment Systems (NES 2022), pp. 209-214, Bologna, Italy, July 10, 2022
F. Aliprandi, R. Avellar Nobre, L. A. Ripamonti, D. Gadia, D. Maggiorini, "Find, Fuse, Fight: genetic algorithms to provide engaging content for multiplayer augmented reality games", Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Proceedings of 1st International Conference on eXtended Reality - XR Salento 2022) 13446, pp. 178-197, Lecce, Italy, July 6-8, 2022
G. Boccignone, D. Gadia, D. Maggiorini, L. A. Ripamonti, V. Tosto, "Predicting Real Fear of Heights Using Virtual Reality", Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT '21), Roma, Italy, September 9-11, 2021
L. De Simone, D. Gadia, D. Maggiorini, L. A. Ripamonti, "Design of a Recommender System for Video Games based on In-Game Player Profiling and Activities", Proceedings of the 14th Biannual Conference of the Italian ACM SIGCHI Chapter (CHItaly '21), Bolzano, Italy, July 11-13, 2021
S. Palma, L. A. Ripamonti, A. N. Borghese, D. Gadia, D. Maggiorini, "Player behaviour metrics for adjusting content in VR games: the case of fear", Proceedings of the 14th Biannual Conference of the Italian ACM SIGCHI Chapter (CHItaly '21), Bolzano, Italy, July 11-13, 2021
A. De Francesco, L. A. Ripamonti, D. Gadia, D. Maggiorini, "A.T.L.A.S.: Automatic Terrain and Labels Assembling Software", Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Games-Human Interaction (GHItaly19), Padova, Italy, September 2019. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2480
A. Bernardi, D. Gadia, D. Maggiorini, L. A. Ripamonti, "Using a Genetic Algorithm for the Procedural Generation of Layered Materials for Real-Time Rendering", Proceedings of GAME-ON 2019 conference, pp. 29-36, 2019.
F. Agliata, M. Bertoli, L. A. Ripamonti, D. Maggiorini, D. Gadia, "Adding Variety in NPCS Behaviour using Emotional States and Genetic Algorithms: The Genie Project", Proceedings of GAME-ON 2019 conference, pp. 45-50, 2019.
D. Piergigli, L. A. Ripamonti, D. Maggiorini, D. Gadia, "Deep Reinforcement Learning to train agents to survive in a multiplayer First Person Shooter: some preliminary results", Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), pp. 1-8, 2019.
M. Granato, D. Gadia, D. Maggiorini, L. A. Ripamonti, "Feature Extraction and Selection for Real-Time Emotion Recognition in Video Games Players", Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems (SITIS) - International Workshop on Ubiquitous implicit BIOmetrics and health signals monitoring for person-centric applications (UBIO 2018), pp. 717-724, 2018.
M. Granato, D. Gadia, D. Maggiorini, L. A. Ripamonti, "Software and Hardware Setup for Emotion Recognition During Video Game Fruition", Proceedings of EAI 4th International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good (GOODTECHS 2018), pp. 19-24, 2018.
F. Bassi, D. Maggiorini, M. Granato, L. A. Ripamonti, D. Gadia, "Improving Performances in League of Legends by Exploiting Inter-Operator Peering", Proceedings of IEEE 29th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2018), Bologna, Italy, September 2018 .
T. Celata, A. Notarangelo, L. A. Ripamonti, D. Gadia, D. Maggiorini, "G.E.M.I.X.: Game Engine Movie Interaction eXperience", Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Games-Human Interaction (GHITALY 2018), Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy, May 2018, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2246.
D. Maggiorini, L. A. Ripamonti, D. Gadia, "Creation of Physiatric Exercises for Remote Use in Rehabilitation Exergames", Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Games-Human Interaction (GHItaly18), Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy, May 2018, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2246.
M. Granato, D. Gadia, D. Maggiorini, L. A. Ripamonti, "Emotions Detection Through the Analysis of Physiological Information During Video Games Fruition", Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Proceedings of 6th International Conference of Games and Learning Alliance - GALA 2017) 10653, pp. 197-207, Lisbon, Portugal, December 2017.
D. Gadia, M. Granato, D. Maggiorini, M. Marras, L. A. Ripamonti, "A Touch-based Configurable Gamepad for Gamers with Physical Disabilities", Proceedings of CHIRA 2017: International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications, pp. 67-74, Madeira, Portugal, October 2017.
D. Gadia, D. Maggiorini, D. Puopolo, L. A. Ripamonti, L. Ziliani, "A Distributed Game Engine for Mobile Games on the Android Platform", Proceedings of CHIRA 2017: International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications, pp. 142-149, Madeira, Portugal, October 2017.
C. Mazza, L. A. Ripamonti, D. Maggiorini, D. Gadia, "FUN PLEdGE 2.0: a FUNny Platformers LEvels GEnerator (Rhythm Based)", Proceedings of the 12th Biannual Conference of the Italian ACM SIGCHI Chapter (CHItaly '17), Cagliari, Italy, September 2017.
A. Guarneri, L. A. Ripamonti, F. Tissoni, M. Trubian, D. Maggiorini, D. Gadia, "GHOST: a GHOst STory-writer", Proceedings of the 12th Biannual Conference of the Italian ACM SIGCHI Chapter (CHItaly '17), Cagliari, Italy, September 2017.
D. Norton, L. A. Ripamonti, M. Ornaghi, D. Gadia, D. Maggiorini, "Monsters of Darwin: a strategic game based on Artificial Intelligence and Genetic Algorithms", Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Games-Human Interaction (GHItaly 2017), Cagliari, Italy, September 2017, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1956.
L. A. Ripamonti, S. Gratani, D. Maggiorini, D. Gadia, A. Bujari, "Believable group behaviours for NPCs in FPS games", Proceedings of IEEE Digital Entertainment, Networked Virtual Environments, and Creative Technology Workshop (DENVECT 2017), pp. 12-17, Heraklion, Greece, July 2017.
C. Vismara, M. Granato, L. A. Ripamonti, D. Maggiorini, D. Gadia, "Analysis of Stereoscopic Visualization in a consumer-oriented Head Mounted Display", Springer Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (Proceedings of EAI 2nd International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good - GOODTECHS 2016) 195, pp. 274-283, 2017.
D. De Felice, M. Granato, L. A. Ripamonti, M. Trubian, D. Gadia, D. Maggiorini, "Effect of different Looting Systems on the behavior of players in a MMOG: simulation with real data", Springer Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (Proceedings of EAI International Conference on Games fOr WELL-being - GOWELL 2016 - Revised Selected Papers) 181, pp. 110-118, 2017.
M. Scalabrin, L. A. Ripamonti, D. Maggiorini, D. Gadia, "Stereoscopy-based procedural generation of virtual environments", Proceedings of IS&T's Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXVII (28th Symposium on Electronic Imaging : Science and Technology), pp. 1-7, San Francisco, California, February 2016.
A. Riccadonna, D. Gadia, D. Maggiorini, L. A. Ripamonti, "N.O.T.E.: Note Over The Edge", Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Proceedings of 4th International Conference of Games and Learning Alliance - GALA 2015 - Revised Selected Papers) 9599, pp. 348-353, Rome, Italy, December 2015.
B. R. Barricelli, S. Valtolina, D. Gadia, M. Marzullo, C. Piazzi, A. Garzulino, "Participatory Action Design Research in Archaeological Context", Springer IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (Human Work Interaction Design. Work Analysis and Interaction Design Methods for Pervasive and Smart Workplaces) 468, pp. 192-211, 2015.
S. Valtolina, B. R. Barricelli, D. Gadia, M. Marzullo, C. Piazzi, A. Garzulino, "Co-Design of a Cloud of Services for Archaeological Practice", Proceedings of Human-Work Interaction Design Conference 2015 (HWID2015), University of West London, London, UK, June 25th-26th, 2015.
D. Gadia, S. Valtolina, M. Marzullo, "Virtual Reality visualization of the Etruscan Necropolis of Tarquinia", Proceedings of TAIMA 2015, pp. 217-223, Hammamet, Tunisia, May 2015.
M. Gargano, D. Bertani, D. Gadia, A. Rizzi, "Fusion of Visible and NIR Images in the Examination of Papyri", Proceedings of TAIMA 2015, pp. 255-261, Hammamet, Tunisia, May 2015.
E. Calore, D. Gadia, D. Marini, "Eliciting steady-state visual evoked potentials by means of stereoscopic displays", Proceedings of IS&T/SPIE's 26th Symposium on Electronic Imaging : Science and Technology (Proc. SPIE), San Francisco, California, February 2014.
G. Garipoli, C. Bonanomi, D. Gadia, A. Rizzi, L. Albani, "Tuning a computer based stereo blindness assessment", Proceedings of 8th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2013), pp. 482-485, Trieste, Italy, September 2013.
E. Calore, C. Bonanomi, D. Gadia, A. Rizzi, "Test of an Open Hardware Colorimeter", Proceedings of CIE Centenary Conference "Towards a New Century of Light", pp. 620-627, Paris, France, April 2013.
A. Rizzi, C. Bonanomi, D. Gadia, G. Riopi, "YACCD2: Yet Another Color Constancy Database Updated", Proceedings of IS&T/SPIE's 25th Symposium on Electronic Imaging : Science and Technology (Proc. SPIE), Burlingame, California, February 2013.
M. Rao, D. Gadia, S. Valtolina, G. Bagnasco, M. Marzullo, "Designing Virtual Reality reconstructions of etruscan painted tombs", Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science (Proceedings of First International Workshop on Multimedia for Cultural Heritage - revised selected papers) 247, pp. 154-165, 2012.
E. Calore, R. Folgieri, D. Gadia, D. Marini, "Analysis of brain activity and response during monoscopic and stereoscopic visualization", Proceedings of IS&T/SPIE's 24th Symposium on Electronic Imaging : Science and Technology (Proc. SPIE), pp. 82880M, Burlingame, California, January 2012.
D. Gadia, A. Rizzi, C. Bonanomi, D. Marini, A. Galmonte, T. Agostini, "Color appearance in stereoscopy", Proceedings of IS&T/SPIE's 23rd Symposium on Electronic Imaging : Science and Technology , Burlingame, California, January 2011.
D. Gadia, G. Lasco, A. Rizzi, D. Marini, M. R. Antognazza, S. Perissinotto, G. Lanzani, "New experiments on color in context and organic-based artificial photoreceptors ", Proceedings of IS&T CGIV 2010 : Fifth European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, Joensuu, Finland, 2010
D. Gadia, D. Villa, C. Bonanomi, A. Rizzi, D. Marini, "Local color correction of stereo pairs", Proceedings of IS&T/SPIE's 22nd Symposium on Electronic Imaging : Science and Technology , San Josè, California, January 2010.
D. Gadia, A. Galmonte, T. Agostini, D. Marini, "Depth and distance perception in a curved, large screen virtual reality installation", Proceedings of IS&T/SPIE's 21st Symposium on Electronic Imaging : Science and Technology , San Josè, California, January 2009.
D. Gadia, C. Bonanomi, M. Rossi, A. Rizzi, D. Marini, "Color Management and Color Perception Issues in a Virtual Reality Theater" , Proceedings of IS&T/SPIE's 20th Symposium on Electronic Imaging : Science and Technology , San Josè, California, January 2008.
A. Rizzi, D. Gadia, D. Marini, M. R. Antognazza, S. Perissinotto, G. Lanzani, "Investigation on the relationship between cone sensitivities and color in context for an organic-based artificial retina", Proceedings of IS&T/SPIE's 20th Symposium on Electronic Imaging : Science and Technology , San Josè, California, January 2008.
A. Rizzi, D. Gadia, D. Marini, "Spectral information and spatial color computation", Proceedings of IS&T/SPIE's 17 th Symposium on Electronic Imaging : Science and Technology , San Josè, California, January 2005.
D. Marini, D. Gadia , A. Rizzi , C. Gatta, "Color and contrast adaptation issues in VR interfaces for security training", Proceedings of PSAM7, International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, Berlin, Germany, June 2004.
D. Gadia , D. Marini, A. Rizzi , "Tuning Retinex for HDR Images Visualization ", Proceedings of CGIV04, IS&T Second European Conference on Color in Graphics, Imaging and Vision , Aachen (Germany), April 2004.
M. A. Alberti, D. Marini, D. Gadia, G. Casella, "Live Video Classes for Distance Learning at University", Proceedings of TEL2003, Milano, Italy, November 2003.
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Short Papers on international conference proceedings
M. Rossi, D. Gadia, A. Rizzi, D. Marini, "Towards Image-Based Measurement of Perceived Lightness applied to Paintings Lighting", Proceedings of VAST2005, Pisa, Italy, November 2005.
M. A. Alberti, D. Marini, D. Gadia, G. Casella, "Approaching a low-cost solution for distance university courses", Proceedings of E-Learn2003, Phoenix, Arizona, November 2003.
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Papers on national conference proceedings
O. Stopazzolo, C. Bonanomi, D. Gadia, A. Rizzi, "Un confronto tra algoritmi di demosaicing per Color Filter Array", Atti della Ottava Conferenza Nazionale del Gruppo del Colore, Bologna, Italy, September 2012.
S. Rasheed, D. Gadia, A. Rizzi, D. Marini, "Event-related Spectral Analysis of Brain Response produced by Colors Exposed in Multiple Shapes", Atti della Settima Conferenza Nazionale del Gruppo del Colore, Roma, Italy, September 2011.
S. Rasheed, C. Bonanomi, D. Gadia, A. Rizzi, D. Marini, "EEG Spectral Analysis of Visual Evoked Potential Produced by RGB Color Stimuli", Atti della Sesta Conferenza Nazionale del Gruppo del Colore, Lecce, Italy, September 2010.
C. Bonanomi, M. Gusmini, P. Carboni, A. Rizzi, D. Gadia, D. Marini, "Un esperimento per la quantificazione dell"apparenza di luminosità in contesti ad alta dinamica", Atti della Sesta Conferenza Nazionale del Gruppo del Colore, Lecce, Italy, September 2010.
D. Gadia, D. Marini, "Riproduzione digitale di opere d'arte: problematiche, considerazioni, soluzioni", Atti della Seconda Conferenza Nazionale del Gruppo del Colore, Milano, Italy, September 2006.
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Other works/presentations
A. J. Berolo, C. Bonanomi, D. Gadia, A. Rizzi, "Preserving Movie Cultural Heritage: Advantages and Characteristics of a Perceptual Digital Color Restoration", presented at CDCH: Workshop on Creative Design for Interdisciplinary Projects in Cultural Heritage, Innsbruck, Austria, October 2012.
R. Folgieri, D. Marini, D. Gadia, E. Calore, M. Zichella, "The brain side of Information Technology: an exploration with low cost EEG devices", presented at The Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition, Trieste, Italy, November 2011.
C. Bonanomi, D. Gadia, A. Galmonte, "Investigating the effect of pictorial depth cues on distance perception in a Virtual Environment", presented at ECVP11: 34th European Conference on Visual Perception, Tolouse, France, August 2011 - paper abstract published also on Perception, 40 (ECVP Abstract Supplement), 2011, p. 146.
A. Rizzi, D. Gadia, D. Marini, "Effects of spectral information changes on spatial color computation", Electronic Imaging SPIE International Technical Group Newsletter, 15(1), 2004 - (Invited).
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Internal Reports
D. Marini, A. Rizzi, C. Gatta, D. Gadia, D. Selmo, M. Rossi, "A Proposal for Unsupervised Tone Reproduction and Color Recovery of High Dynamic Range Images", Note del Polo " Ricerca N.49 , Rapporto Interno, Università di Milano, Polo di Ricerca di Crema, Italy, March 2003.
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