Biographical notes

Davide Gadia received his M.Sc. (2003) and Ph.D. (2007) in Computer Science from the University of Milan. Currently he is Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Milan.

His research interests concern mainly Computer Graphics, Video Game programming, Procedural Content Generation for Computer Graphics and Video Games, Game Engine architectures, Virtual Reality, and Digital Imaging. He is involved in the research activities of the PONG (Playlab fOr inNovation in Games) Laboratory.

Research activities


Since 2008, he has been the coordinator of the following research projects:
Previously, he participated as Post-doc fellow in the following research projects:

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Editorial and reviewing activities

He is currently Academic Editor of Wiley International Journal of Computer Games Technology.

He was Lead Guest Editor for the Special Issue on "Artificial Intelligence in Video Games" of MDPI Applied Sciences journal.

He was Guest Editor for the following Special Issues: Since 2007, he reviewed papers for the following journals, conferences and workshops:

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Conference activities

Since 2011, he participated as a member to the following committees:

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Memberships and roles

Since its founding in 2012 until April 2024, he was member of the Council of Gruppo del Colore - Associazione Italiana Colore (Italian Color Group). He also served as Treasurer (2012-2015) and Vicepresident (2015-2017) of the Association.

In 2014, he was the Official Division Member of Italian CIE Division 8: Image Technology.

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Teaching activities

Since a.a. 2012-2013: Real-Time Graphics Programming graduate elective course for the Master Degree in Computer Science at the University of Milan. Lectures topics concern the pipeline for Real-Time Computer Graphics, the implementation of interactive graphics applications, OpenGL and OpenGL Shading Language.

Since a.a. 2021-2022: Artificial Intelligence for Video Games graduate elective course for the Master Degree in Computer Science at the University of Milan (together with Prof. Dario Maggiorini). Lectures topics concern the analysis and implementation in a game engine of artificial intelligence techniques applied to video games development.

Since a.a. 2023-2024: Data, web and digital content (Dati, web e contenuti digitali) undergraduate required course for the Degree in Language Mediation and Intercultural Communication for Business, Law and Community Services (Mediazione linguistica e culturale applicata all'ambito economico, giuridico e sociale) at the University of Milan.

In a.a. 2019-2020 and a.a. 2020-2021: Strumenti di Modellazione dello Spazio module for Strumenti e Metodi del Progetto 2 undergraduate required course for the Design School of Politecnico di Milano.

In a.a. 2014-2015, a.a. 2015-2016 and a.a. 2016-2017: Computer Graphics and Digital Imaging undergraduate required course at the University of Milan.

In a.a. 2010-2011, a.a. 2011-2012 and a.a. 2012-2013: Immersive and Interactive Virtual Environments graduate elective course at the University of Milan. Lectures topics concerned Virtual Reality principles, stereoscopic visualization, 3D interaction technologies and techniques.

In a.a. 2008-2009 and a.a. 2009-2010: Graphics Module for the Multimedia Laboratory 1 undergraduate required course at the University of Milan. Lectures topics concerned image processing, color management, procedural modeling and animation techniques.

In a.a. 2006-2007 and a.a. 2007-2008: 2D and 3D Graphics modules for the Multimedia Laboratory 1 undergraduate required course at the University of Milan.

From May 2003 to December 2005: more than 115 hours of lectures on C programming with OpenGL API and shader development with RenderMan Shading Language for the Computer Graphics Lab (undergraduate required) and Computer Graphics Programming (graduate elective) courses at University of Milan.

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Keynote and Invited talks

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Papers on international journals

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Book chapters

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Papers on international conference proceedings

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Short Papers on international conference proceedings

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Papers on national conference proceedings

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Other works/presentations

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Internal Reports

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